• Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

FTX could still be alive if they traded options like this

ByJeff Bishop

Nov 17, 2022
FTX could still be alive if they traded options like this


I usually could care less about crypto.  I don’t own any and if I want to trade it, then I just trade stocks that have a lot of exposure like COIN or MARA.

But this chart is something that will make your jaw drop. Here’s a one-month chart of FTX token, backed by none other than FTX:

If you’ve been living under a rock, here is a quick recap:

A couple of weeks ago, FTX was the gold standard of crypto brokerages.  Every VC and celebrity wanted their name associated with them.

Fast forward a week and FTX has filed for bankruptcy, and its valuation went from $40 billion to $0. 

If you’re stuck holding this or any related crypto, you’re probably down huge, much more than you thought possible – and I truly feel sorry for you and this whole situation.

Well, that’s the difference between a pro trader and an amateur. In every single trade, I make sure my RISK is defined. 

In fact, the first thing I always do is ask myself where I will stop out of a trade for a loss.  Maybe you think that is backward thinking, but approaching trades that way has saved me a lot of money over the years.

You see, by trading with options, my downside is limited, and I make sure I always stay in control. Unlike these amateurs, lol.

Just take a look at the CEO of “risk management” for FTX (super funny clip if you haven’t watched it yet):

Howie on Twitter: “Absolute disbelief https://t.co/QjoZrWlz8v” / Twitter


I mean, that is amateur hour at its finest. 

That’s why these guys are a flash in the pan, and I’ve been around for 20 years. 

I have thousands and thousands of subscribers that receive my detailed trading plan every single week. 

Here’s what you will never see a FURU (fake guru) post. Here was my loss on my Bullseye Trade of the week.

NIO trade details

I was wrong on NIO and took my loss like a big boy. And the loss was small.  Like I said, I always determine where I will stop out before I make a trade to keep my losses small.  

In this case, I lost $1200 over a couple of days’ time – but the key is that I respected my trade plan.

Now, compare that to the monster we saw last week! Here’s what happened.

META trade details

META Stocks and Options chart

I didn’t even get close to hitting the 300%+ that was possible on META that week, but sticking to my plan enabled me to put $7200 profit in my pocket for the week on a $6600 investment.

Not a bad week of “work” at all if you ask me?

Trading is a game of probabilities, and when I’m wrong, I get the F out. If you want real money setups from an accountable trader and not a snake oil salesman, sign up to Bullseye Trades today. I’m not sure if my next trade will be a winner, but I’m damn sure I’ll be prepared with a plan, and so will you!

Here’s what my subscribers are saying:



Join the best community on Wall Street. Sign up to Bullseye Trades and improve with thousands of others. 

What do you really have to lose here?  It is less than $100 to get started and I am even backing this up with a full money back guarantee.

This is a no-brainer!

Get started today, and be ready for the next big idea coming on Monday before the market opens.  

I’ll see you there.


Image and article originally from ragingbull.com. Read the original article here.