• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Jeff Bishop

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3 trades I love right now

[ad_1] The past few weeks have been much ado about nothing for the overall market. The QQQ‘s and SPY have traded sideways, chopped around, and TSLA has been taking dip…

Start 2023 the right way

[ad_1] Hello Trader, The New Year is upon us, and with that, it’s important to set goals for the year. Without goals, well, how do you know what you want…

Upfront credits for taking risk

[ad_1] Did you know that when you sell options you can receive upfront credits? That’s right,  when you become an options seller, instead of putting down up-front like you would…

Does the house always win?

[ad_1] Have you ever thought about why the gaming/casino industry is so successful?  Simply put, the odds are in the house’s favor, hence the term “house always wins”.  Over the…

Take action before your credits disappear

[ad_1] I’m not going to sugarcoat it… I’ve been on a tear with Bullseye Trades lately.  You probably know, but here is what’s happened over just the last two weeks…