• Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Getting Ready To Do It All Over Again

ByBen Sturgill

Aug 6, 2022
Getting Ready To Do It All Over Again


I’m about to reveal a portion of my most secretive watchlist for next week!

But before I do so, I need you to picture this scenario: 

It’s Thursday afternoon, the day before the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases monthly data on the number of unemployed Americans.

This report, one of this country’s most important monthly economic reports, has been known to produce significant changes not only in volatility (in either direction), but also in market leadership…

And you have no idea how to protect your current portfolio holdings or search for new holdings that may be ready to benefit from any changes.

Well, the latest reading on US unemployment data has come and gone this morning, and we learned that the number of unemployed Americans ticked a little lower last month after more jobs were created than expected (528K vs. consensus of 250K). 

As a result of this “hotter” than expected jobs report, the market reacted very negatively in early trading this morning because of the potential that more jobs can lead to continued elevated levels of inflation.

Think you’re out of the woods now? 

Oh no you’re not…because next week, starting on Tuesday, the market is going to get hit with one INFLATION-linked economic report after another that stretches all the way to Friday. 


Man, if you’ve got kids that are still in the nest like I do, you’re feeling this inflation every time you go to the grocery store.

Not only has inflation been crushing the buying power of the Americas in recent months, it’s been causing investors to sell stocks to reduce risk around the uncertainty surrounding a Federal Reserve that seems to have lost control of the bond market…and that’s no bueno (no good)…

Sure the market has been rallying recently, but every bear market has rallies.

Oh, and by the way, bear market rallies tend to be more aggressive than those seen during bull markets, so you better be ready to take advantage of them when they come!!!

That’s why I want to let you in on this amazing deal that Raging Bull has allowed me to put together JUST FOR YOU.  

Friends, I have just been given approval to give you access to my highest level scanners:

  • The new, interactive Unusual Options Activity Scanner, which spots potentially ultra-fast moving low-priced options, AND…
  • The new, interactive Dark Pool Picks Scanner, which reveals massive hidden “off-exchange” trades!

IN ADDITION TO my wildly popular LottoX service.

You know, the service that teaches you how to find quick-hitting, explosive moves like these:

840% in C in roughly 24 HOURS!

406% in VALE in LESS THAN 24 HOURS!

1400% in NVDA in roughly 24 HOURS!


I don’t know if you realize it, but with this offer ALL of your bases are covered for the trading week!

  • Daily insights into unusual options activity that you can customize yourself!
  • Daily insights into hidden Wall Street Dark Pool activity that you can customize yourself!
  • Daily Squeeze plays!
  • All on top of the ENDLESS education and 1-DAY trades that LottoX has become so popular for, my 0-DTE trades every Thursday.

Once again, I can’t make up your mind for you…it’s up to you if you want to keep reading about big movers after the fact, or you can FINALLY recognize the value here!!!

Let’s have a great weekend and until next time!


Image and article originally from ragingbull.com. Read the original article here.